On Being.
A couple of months ago, I discovered the podcast, On Being (quite late to the game). On the site it says,
On Being opens up the animating questions at the center of human life: What does it mean to be human, and how do we want to live? We explore these questions in their richness and complexity in 21st-century lives and endeavors. We pursue wisdom and moral imagination as much as knowledge; we esteem nuance and poetry as much as fact.
There are years of conversations on the site that are easy to pull up. Each one is thought provoking and since it took me so long to discover, I thought I would share it with others.
Last weeks conversation is called “The Art of Stillness” and is a good place to start listening. Then, be sure to check out the prior week’s with Jean Vanier who is the founder of L’Arche. My sweet cousin was a volunteer with this amazing organization in Chicago last year and we also followed a very similar thought process in Heart’s Home, which is the organization I volunteered for in Brazil.
You’ll quickly be hooked and able to listen for days and weeks and months to the whole Archive.
My favorite part is Krista Tippet’s opening question: “was there a religious or spiritual background to your childhood?”
I love this question, which is a refreshing start to the forthcoming conversation.
In an interview, someone asked Krista herself if her work could be a religious practice. Krista responded with this quote:
Karen Armstrong once said: ‘My work is my prayer.’ Yes, it feels like a vocation, a calling.
That is so inspiring to me. I, too, want my work to be a prayer!
Some other favorites are:
with Father Greg Boyle of Homeboy Industries (you should also read his book called “Tattoos on the Heart“
with Mary Oliver
The Fabric of Identity (four part series)
oh and so many more. Just listen to them all.