
Easter Basket Ideas for Christian Kids

Easter Basket Ideas for Christian Kids

Erica Campbell

We have a ton of Easter Basket Ideas for Christian kids that include images of Jesus to help children focus on the reason we are celebrating in the first place!...

Easter Basket Ideas for Christian Kids

Erica Campbell

We have a ton of Easter Basket Ideas for Christian kids that include images of Jesus to help children focus on the reason we are celebrating in the first place!...

FREE 2025 Lenten Guide

FREE 2025 Lenten Guide

Erica Campbell

Download our FREE Lenten Guide that includes ideas to do each week of Lent and ways to celebrate feast days throughout Lent. It also includes things to do for Holy...

FREE 2025 Lenten Guide

Erica Campbell

Download our FREE Lenten Guide that includes ideas to do each week of Lent and ways to celebrate feast days throughout Lent. It also includes things to do for Holy...

Simple Ways to Celebrate Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras)

Simple Ways to Celebrate Shrove Tuesday (Mardi ...

Erica Campbell

The Tuesday before Lent has many names and is celebrated in different ways around the world. The first word in “Shrove Tuesday,” for example, means “to confess,” as it was...

Simple Ways to Celebrate Shrove Tuesday (Mardi ...

Erica Campbell

The Tuesday before Lent has many names and is celebrated in different ways around the world. The first word in “Shrove Tuesday,” for example, means “to confess,” as it was...

Ideas for Lent for those in Survival Mode

Ideas for Lent for those in Survival Mode

Erica Campbell

I can't believe Lent is already beginning next week. As a mom to little ones, I am always wondering how else I could possibly add another sacrifice to my life...

Ideas for Lent for those in Survival Mode

Erica Campbell

I can't believe Lent is already beginning next week. As a mom to little ones, I am always wondering how else I could possibly add another sacrifice to my life...

Simple Ways to Celebrate Feast Day of Saint Nicholas + Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Simple Ways to Celebrate Feast Day of Saint Nic...

Erica Campbell

The feast day of Saint Nicholas is celebrated on each year on December 6th. St. Nicholas was a bishop known for his good deeds and the way he served children...

Simple Ways to Celebrate Feast Day of Saint Nic...

Erica Campbell

The feast day of Saint Nicholas is celebrated on each year on December 6th. St. Nicholas was a bishop known for his good deeds and the way he served children...

2024 Mary on the Mantel Calendar

2024 Mary on the Mantel Calendar

Erica Campbell

2024 Mary on the Mantel Calendar

Erica Campbell