
also known as Three Kings Day
Feast Day: January 6

Epiphany is a word that comes from a Greek term for “manifestation” and refers to the three magi—also known as wise men or kings—visiting Jesus after his birth. Around the world, Three Kings Day is celebrated even more widely than Christmas and is traditionally the day when families exchange gifts, symbolizing the gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus.Pope Francis said in his 2019 address that, like the three kings, “we need to arise, to get up from our sedentary lives and prepare for a journey.” Meditate on how God might be calling you to a new journey.sovereign from England. She was later put on trial for heresy, witchcraft, and dressing like a man. When she refused to lie about her faith in God to save herself, she was burned at the stake at age nineteen. Her martyrdom only inspired the people of France all the more and eventually led to their complete freedom from the English.

Kings Crown

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Diffuser

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