Best Baby Baptism Gifts

It can be hard to figure out what to get a baby for their Baptism. So often, the go-to are silver plated picture frames, trinkets, Bibles, and jewelry. But then the parents tuck these things away in the closet to be given when the child is older - or not used at all.

At Be A Heart, we had the idea that the best Baptism gifts for a baby are things that they can use right now! We rounded up our favorite Catholic Baptism gifts for baby that will one day become keepsakes with great meaning. 

Below is the list of our best selling Baptism Gifts!

Catholic Swaddle Blanket

Choose from many different designs in our muslin swaddles - all that symbolize different devotions that might be important to the family. The swaddle baby blankets can be used for swaddling, nursing, snuggling with, laying on the floor for tummy time, and more. We often hear stories that our swaddle blankets become a child's lovey that they carry for years to come. 

Baby First Rosary

Baby's First Rosary

I designed this wooden rattle rosary when my daughter was a newborn. I loved the natural feel of toys that she was given and thought the rosary shape would be perfect for tiny hands to hold and little mouths to gum. 

Baby's First Devotional Crinkle Book

The Baby's First Devotional Crinkle Book is made of high contrast images of different Catholic devotions. The high contrast colors aid in developing baby's eyesight by making it easier for them to focus and differentiate shapes and patterns. It also has crinkle paper, which stimulates auditory and tactile senses, helping babies develop fine motor skills and enhancing their sensory exploration.

Meal Blessing Silicone Bib

While a baby can't read the Meal Blessing prayer on the silicone bib, it is a small reminder for parents to begin praying before meals with their child. There are many colors to choose from!

Keys to the Kingdom Silicone Teethers

Keys to the Kingdom Silicone Teether

When I was drowning in the first months of mothering my first child while working, a friend told me "don't worry, you're doing the most important thing in the world - you're passing down the keys to the kingdom." This stuck with me and I eventually made a teething ring that has keys to the kingdom. It is easy for little hands to hold and has many different textures that feels good on baby's gums.

Catholics Saints Catholic Deluxe Muslin Baby Blanket Quilt

Baby Blanket Muslin Quilts

Our Muslin Baby Blanket Quilts are one of our very best sellers for Baptism Gifts for babies. They are great in colder months for baby to stay warm and big enough to lay on the ground for picnics and tummy time. Choose between saints, Mary, or Guardian Angels. 

Ceramic Holy Water Bottle

For a truly special Baptism Gift, give the family a ceramic holy water that they can fill with Holy Water from the baptismal font on their baptism day. 

Child of the Light Cocktail Napkins

If you're planning the baptism party, don't miss out on our modern Baptism Party Supplies!


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