Happy Feast of Saint Clare of Assisi

Saint Clare and Saint Francis of Assisi are two of our favorite Saintly friend pairs. The light of Francis’s soul drew Clare to want to live a life like him. He inspired her to begin a community for women. For the Poor Clares, she emphasized devotion, kindness, tenderness and practicality - four tenets that we hope to emulate.

the little saint francis

I love the video series called The Little St. Francis to teach little ones about the Franciscan Way. 

One of our favorite communities to be a part of is the Center for Action and Contemplation, which was started by the Franciscan Priest, Fr. Richard Rohr. I particularly love to receive the daily meditations in my email. His writings have helped me expand my understanding of a God who loves me deeply. This is a really beautiful reflection on Saint Clare and Saint Francis. 

And where there is change, there is the letting go of the old and the giving birth to the new. To pray is to be open to the new, to the future in God. - Franciscan Sister Ilia Delio

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