6 Ways To Celebrate The Feast of Saint Joseph The Worker
Reflect on the work you've accomplished
"St. Joseph the Worker reminds us that work is a gift from God, an opportunity to serve others, and a means to sanctify ourselves." - Pope Francis
Saint Joseph the Worker's Feast Day is all about honoring the dignity of work. As we start this new month, it's only fitting to pause and reflect on all the work you've accomplished this year (both personally and professionally).
What is one piece of work you are most proud of this year?
What has been the most challenging work, and how did it feel to accomplish the task?
What are your goals for the rest of this year?
Celebrate: Treat yourself to something today! Celebrate your success, and look forward to all that's ahead. You are doing great!
Photo by Artiom Vallat on Unsplash
Give thanks + prayers to the men in your life
"St. Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care." - Pope St. John Paul II
Saint Joseph was not only a patient worker, but also a dedicated and loving father. With that in mind, grab a pen and paper, and make a list of all the men (fathers, uncles, grandparents, brothers, spiritual fathers, etc.) that have made a positive impact in your life. Next, pick 3-5 names on the list to affirm today with a phone call, note or text message. Share your gratitude for them, and say a pray in their honor.
Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash
Take time to rest!
“Joseph’s rest revealed God’s will to him.” - Pope Francis
Pope Francis has a special devotion to Sleeping St. Joseph.
“The Scriptures seldom speak of St. Joseph, but when they do, we often find him resting, as an angel reveals God’s will to him in his dreams,” Pope Francis said. “Joseph’s rest revealed God’s will to him. In this moment of rest in the Lord, as we pause from our many daily obligations and activities, God is also speaking to us.”
Choose to do something today that brings you rest. Dedicate a time you will end your work for the day (including house work), put some comfy clothes on, pull your hair back, read a book - anything that puts your mind to rest!
Photo by Benjamin Zanatta on Unsplash
Support a local business
"St. Joseph teaches us that work is not just about achieving success, but about serving others with love and dedication." - Cardinal Sean O'Malley
St. Joseph was a local small business carpenter in Nazareth, so it's only fitting that you support a small business today, too!
Here are some ways you can support your favorite small businesses to help them continue to thrive:
Share & engage on Social Media
It’s free! When you stop by to visit, snap a photo and post it on your story. Tag the location and leave them a fab review! You can also support the business by engaging with the content they post - like, comment, save. It only takes a few clicks!
Sign up for the company newsletter
All it takes is a few clicks on the keyboard to subscribe to their newsletter and stay up to date on all company news, announcements, sales and more!
Prioritize shopping small & local
Think of ways you can change how you shop. For birthdays and special occasions, consider purchasing something unique from a small or local business.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Pray the Saint Joseph the Worker Prayer
"Joseph, by the work of your hands and the sweat of your brow, you supported Jesus and Mary, and had the Son of God as your fellow worker. Teach me to work as you did, with patience and perseverance, for God and for those whom God has given me to support.
Teach me to see in my fellow workers the Christ who desires to be in them, that I may always be charitable and forbearing towards all. Grant me to look upon work with the eyes of faith, so that I shall recognize in it my share in God’s own creative activity and in Christ’s work of our redemption, and so take pride in it. When it is pleasant and productive, remind me to give thanks to God for it. And when it is burdensome, teach me to offer it to God, in reparation for my sins and the sins of the world."
Photo by Saint John's Seminary on Unsplash
Celebrate with family + friends
For families with children:
- Play with blocks / lincoln logs and talk about St. Joseph the Carpenter
- At snack time, build with pretzel sticks
- Help your children write a sentence about builders they are thankful for: Firefighters (safe spaces), Architects (buildings), Priests (holy communities), Teachers (smart communities)
For families with older children/young adults:
Since St. Joseph is the patron Saint of the unemployed, families with older children can spend time volunteering at shelters / soup kitchens / local charities to help those in need. Remind your children to pray to Saint Joseph for employment, too!
For adults:
- Read up on other Catholics who famously valued work (Example: Dorothy Day and her involvement with the Catholic Worker Movement)
- Donate your underused work clothing to local organizations that help provide professional outfits to unemployed workers
- Support Brother Andre's Cafe with a coffee subscription - Your purchase goes toward a Catholic-based coffee shop providing employment opportunities for adults living with IDD in PA
Let us honor his noble example by following in his footsteps and striving to lead lives of virtue and holiness. May he intercede for us and guide us in our journey to live peaceable and holy lives!

Husband to Mary, foster father of jesus, Carpenter
Saint Joseph is a wonderful role model for little ones and grown ups alike!
Get your doll for the Year of Saint Joseph