5 Simple Ways to Celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph

We celebrate the feast of St. Joseph on March 19.

He is the patron saint of the Universal Catholic Church, families, fathers, expectant mothers, travelers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers, working people, married people, persons living in exile, the sick and dying, a holy death

St. Joseph was the husband of Mary and Jesus’s foster father. 

Here are a few simple ways to celebrate Saint Joseph:

1. Spend Time in Silence 

Pope Francis wrote that in St. Joseph “we never see frustration, but only trust. His patient silence was the prelude to concrete expressions of trust.” 

Spend fifteen minutes in silence today and reflect on where you can be more trusting of God’s ways in your life. 

2. Make a Wooden Baby Rattle

wooden baby toy

Joseph was a carpenter, and we can imagine that he made wooden toys for his son. Make these simple rattles as baby gifts for someone you know, or donate to a pregnancy center. 

wooden baby toy supplies

  • 1/2-inch wooden dowel, cut to 3 inches
  • 2 rounded dowel caps, 1 1/4 inches with 1/2-inch hole
  • 3 wooden rings, 1 1/2-inch diameter
  • Nontoxic wood glue

If necessary, sand the wood parts smooth. Glue one end of the dowel into a dowel cap with wood glue. Slide the three rings over the other end, and then glue on the second dowel cap. Let the glue dry.

3. Help Children in Foster Care 

Joseph was the foster father of Jesus. Reach out to the foster system in your area and ask what their needs are. Often, they are in need of suitcases or backpacks so that children can carry their belongings. You can see what gently used things you have to donate, ask your community, or buy them new.

4. Write a Letter to a Father

Write a letter to your own father, a spiritual father, or a new father. Tell them all the things that you love about them. 

5. Plant Saint Joseph Lillies

"The just man shall blossom like the lily" is applied to St. Joseph in the liturgy. Plant Saint Joseph lilies in your garden.

Saint Joseph Doll

Don't forget to get a Saint Joseph doll for your littlest Catholic! 

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