I Don’t Need You.
I love the show GIRLS. I think it helps me look at my own life with a little bit more humor. I identify way too much with all of the characters in different ways. The show is brilliant in its total simplicity.
I heard my favorite thing so far in all four seasons this past Sunday even though it was amidst very sad circumstances.
Mimi Rose and Adam are in an argument. The conversation goes like this:
Mimi Rose – I care about you so much.Adam – I care about my butcher. I need my butcher. I can’t butcher my own meats. I need my butcher more than you need me.Mimi Rose – No, I don’t need you. But I love coming home and knowing you’re behind the door. Wanting you like this is better than needing you because it’s pure.
When I feel that I need something, I become really obsessive. With men or a job or a friend or even chocolate! It’s that feeling as though if I didn’t have it, I would collapse, my life would fall apart. I have been in so many relationships that were impure solely because I put my everything into it. I put so much pressure on it, that I ruined it.
But when I just allow it flow, it can purely lay itself in front of me. And then I can choose it freely.