Written By Hand.

A year ago, my publisher at Quarto approached me about writing a book. I remember how excited and nervous I felt as I signed that contract. I was unsure of my abilities. 

I rented a little house in Joshua Tree for a few days and sketched out my initial ideas and concepts. 

Since then we worked and reworked all of the content to be just right. 

Written By Hand is a workbook to help improve your every day handwriting to make your life more beautiful. 

I loved thinking about this idea that this simple thing that we do regularly could bring more beauty to the world. It doesn’t have to be executing huge DIY craft from pinterest or emptying your wallet on the new Target line (although it’s really good). We could all just improve our writing and that could improve our every day. 

There was a moment that I had to let go of what this book would be. I put in the work and I had to trust the publisher to carry it further.

When I received the advanced copy a few weeks ago, I couldn’t believe it’s beauty. The cover is super thick like a board book and the pages are nice and thick so you can actually write in the book. It was surreal to see my name on the cover and the spine. 

I am so excited for it to reach everyone’s hands and to be able to use and love it. You can buy it on Amazon right now for less than $12 as its pre sale price! It will arrive in your mailbox on November 21st!

AND if you’re in the Los Angeles area, we invite you to the Book Launch party on December 2nd at Makers Mess. You can find out more info here.

xx, Erica

Photos by Rebekah Lemire

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