We Don't Have To Face It Alone
A month ago, I was talking to my friend Laura about some ideas she had for me, which turned into talking about how hard it is to be self employed and run a business. We had not come into the call with this idea anywhere in our minds, but we left thinking through ways that Be A Heart and Mothering Spirit could collaborate in publishing books. We were both so excited and couldn’t believe the way we felt the Holy Spirit guiding it. We were going to talk again once we both got through some deadlines. And then she got a mammogram because she felt some lumps. And then on Easter Monday she got the news - she had breast cancer.
This is the self employed nightmare. When things are already tight and uncertain, what happens when you must turn your entire attention to fighting cancer? What happens when you’re too tired to write or run a business? How will you provide for your family? How will you pay the medical bills? In a country like ours where healthcare is not a given, the financial stress of a diagnosis like this is so much.
I’ve been thinking about how often we have our plans. We are working toward things. We think we know how things will shake out. But the reality is that we don’t know the future. We can’t be certain. We have to trust. We have to trust that God will provide for us, care for us, know what we need more than we do.
And the reality is that God uses us to care for his children. In these moments we get to very clearly be his hands and feet. In Laura’s story, I am faced with the fact that when our biggest fears are realized, we don’t have to face it alone. Right now we get to stand together and support her and her family - as a thank you for all the ways that her being has blessed many of us.
Her community set up a GoFundMe for her and we’re almost to the goal.
Other ways to support Laura is by buying her books! Everyday Sacrament is a beautiful book on parenting and Grieving Together is a beautiful book for couples who have experienced miscarriage and child loss.
A few things for joy this week:
My friend showed me this painting of the Annunciation by Harald Slott Moller. Isn’t it insanely gorgeous?
I can’t stop chuckling over this meme. Anyone else?
If you missed our new Earth Day print in partnership with Catholic Relief Services, you can read about it here.
We sold out of the first batch of Our Lady Belt Bags and have a second shipment arriving this week. We already sold half of the this batch through pre-orders so if you’ve had your eye on it (or you told your spouse that you want it for Mother’s Day), don’t delay!
Have a blessed week!