3 Simple Ways to Celebrate Saint Irmã Dulce Pontes
As a personal antidote, I lived outside of Salvador in Brazil for 18 months. I saw the beautiful work that continues to be done in Irmã Dulce's name. Hospitals, schools, and other social programs that truly help the poor. Many of the children who lived in our village attended her school. In 2011, I was able to attend her beatification in the pouring rain and feel convicted to share this beautiful (now) saint with the world.
1. Do something for those in need in your community
Irmã Dulce never dreamed of going to far off lands to help the poor. She saw those who were near her and served them. She never left her own community. In honor of Saint Irmā Dulce, find a small way you can help those in your community today.
Some ideas:
- School is starting across the country. Find a school in a poorer neighborhood and email to find out what kinds of supplies they are in need of. Head to Target (or even shop around your house!) to support them.
- Go through your closet to pull clothes that are still in good condition, but you don't wear anymore. Find a place like Dress for Success that helps women dress appropriately for job interviews and new jobs!

2. Teach your kids about Irmã Dulce with this fun craft
Even for me, I am always amazed every time I hear of Irma Dulce turning a chicken coop into a place to care for the poor. The little woman who saw possibility in everything and everyone.
Print out this free activity sheet. Have your child color the chicken coop as well as the hospital and then cut the shapes out. Place them one on top of the other (and if you have a brass fastener lying around you can connect them).
This is a good opportunity to talk about transformation - of people and our souls! Share with us on instagram if you do this with your kiddos and tag us @beaheartdesign to be featured on our page!
3. Donate to her organization
They continue to do amazing things in a city that is very very poor. You can donate easily on their website here.